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humification organic matter
腐殖化的机质 腐殖化的有机质  detail>>
matter organic
有机物质  detail>>
organic matter
有机物质 有机质  detail>>
腐植化作用 腐殖化作用 腐殖质化 腐殖质形成;腐殖化 腐殖作用 湿润作用  detail>>
accumulation of organic matter
有机质堆积  detail>>
active organic matter
活性有机质  detail>>
adding sand or organic matter
加入砂子和有机物  detail>>
adsorption of solid organic matter
固体有机物质的吸附作用  detail>>
biodegradable organic matter
可生物降解的有机物质  detail>>
bulky organic matter
粗有机物  detail>>
colored dissolved organic matter
有色可溶性有机物  detail>>
compound organic matter
复合有机物  detail>>
decay of organic matter
有机物质的分解  detail>>
decaying organic matter
腐烂有机物  detail>>
decomposed organic matter
腐熟有机质  detail>>
destruction of organic matter
有机物质分解  detail>>
detrital organic matter
碎屑有机质  detail>>
digestible organic matter
消化有机物  detail>>